Where there’s a “till”, there’s a way!

Praise for our Gardens of Hope students west of the Great Plains. The Joseph P Cory Foundation’s newsletter forged its way, thousands of miles from West Palm Beach, and one engaged family has sent us photos of their newfound experiences.

Remarkably, this Tucson, Arizona Mom received our newsletter, and has been implementing the lessons and gardening strategies with her children. As you can see by their terrain and topography, not the easiest set of gardening circumstances to deal with, however they have been engaged and successful, nevertheless.

By the looks of things, they have learned to grow their own plants from cuttings and seeds, and are tending to it beautifully. Amidst the cacti and the sand, delicious edibles are taking
root. Should we quote from the movie Jurassic Park… “nature finds a way”?

More importantly, everyone can and should be afforded the opportunity to impact their own health and wellbeing, with a little time and determination. We certainly are looking forward to
hearing more about their adventures and the wonderful recipes they will be creating. David, Tara-Sue, Angelina, and their Mom Kristina are true garden champions, and certainly excellent contenders for the Foundation’s “Grow it Forward” scholarship this spring!

#gardendsofhope #growitforwardscholarship #ziplock #tucsonarizona #healthandwellness #jurassicpark #yourarewhatyoueat