Gardens of Hope BMI Project

The first day of the “Gardens of Hope BMI Project” began on September 12, 2023. The Joseph P Cory Foundation (JPCF) arrived at Lake Worth Middle School (LWMS), one of two campuses to benefit from this innovative study. Waiting to greet us, was Choice Academies Coordinator and Department Chair Mrs. Marta Galvez, students, and her adjunct support staff.

Everyone received a warm address by JPCF Founder and President Nada Cory, who proceeded to unfold a “Year at a Glance”; what will be presented regarding learning, highlights, and accomplishments. September is the month for garden construction, followed by October, when mature seedlings will be placed in the soil, continuing through May, as educators visit the classroom with curriculum and activities to sustain the Gardens of Hope program.

During the class period, BMI measurements were taken by Florida Atlantic University Charles E. Schmidt College of Medicine students and Keiser University® nurses. This will be implemented every nine weeks, and ultimately surpassed by the students themselves, as part of their learning curve. A pre assessment was also completed and will be repeated year end, to demonstrate exchanges in knowledge, attitude, and behavior.

It was a busy first day and everyone is looking forward to a year that will ultimately help students and families better understand the importance and benefits of “Gardens of Hope” in relationship to health and wellbeing for a healthier life. Today, students seemed to be most interested at the promise of an end-of-the-year barbeque utilizing the herb and vegetable bounty they will grow themselves!

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