Each Lesson includes PDF’s for our teachers/parents. Click on the Lesson title to open the PDF.
Lesson One – Ready, Set, Grow!
Learning Objectives:
This lesson will enhance the mind, body, and soul of students. Following this lesson, students will:
• Mind: Understand the life cycle of plants, and what plants need to grow
• Body: Plant, water, and watch their seeds grow into mature plants
• Soul: Learn to take care of something, and feel responsible for nurturing a living object
Click here for Lesson One Resource Folder
Lesson Two – The Legend of the 3 Sisters
Learning Objectives:
After completing this lesson, students will be able to:
-Gain exposure to new vegetables/herbs through taste testing
-Tie (evoke) creative expression (in relation) to healthy food items
-Describe the concept of interdependence and relate it to corn, bean and squash
-Recognize the names of nutrients contained in corn, bean and squash
Learning Objectives
After this lesson, students will be able to:
• Understand the main food groups of fruits, vegetables, protein, grains and dairy, in
addition to specific items that fall into each category
• Create and illustrate a meal using the MyPlate template
• Describe holiday foods that are important to their families
Learning Objectives –
After this lesson, students will be able to
⦁ Evoke creative expression in relation to healthy foods
⦁ Name foods that are rich in Vitamin C
⦁ Explain the effects of Vitamin C deficiency
Lesson Five – Think like a Chef
Learning Objectives –
This lesson will enhance the mind, body and soul of participating students. As part of this lesson, students will:
o Combine ingredients, flavors and cooking techniques to create a dish
o Identify the vitamins and minerals contained in food items
o Get their body moving through acting-out cooking techniques
o Evoke creative expression in relation to healthy foods
o Develop teamwork and collaboration abilities through working with peers
Learning Objectives;
This lesson will enhance the mind, body and soul of participating students. As part of this lesson, students will:
• Mind identify vegetables and herbs growing in their school garden
Inventory the necessary supplies to sustain a garden
• Body
Exercise while in search of common garden items
• Soul
Connect with nature through spending time outside
Learning ObjectivesThis lesson will encourage students to celebrate planet Earth, and understand ways to manage waste. By the end of the lesson students will be able to:
Third Grade Course Descriptions
These are the course standards for Gardens of Hope 3rd grade. The pdf has detailed information for all educators.
- Articulate why they are grateful for their Earth
- Understand the best method for waste management
- Suggest methods to reduce, reuse or recycle waste