A day with Hammock Pointe Garden Club!

We LOVE OUR STUDENTS, so what better way to spend Valentine’s Day, than to treat our Hammock Pointe Garden Club to a game of GARDEN BINGO!

On February 14, 2020, The Joseph P Cory Foundation’sfounder Nada Cory, teacher/sponsor Holly Nilsen, University of Miami Miller School of Medicine (U of M) MD/MPH student Stephanie Camhi and volunteers, implemented a fun and educational lesson for garden club participants. Tasks included identifying vegetables/herbs growing in their school garden, inventorying the necessary supplies needed for tending the garden, exercising while doing their Bingo search, and connecting with nature while spending time outdoors. Of course, healthy homegrown yummy snacks were involved! The object of the game: Be the first student who locates all the items on their Bingo card.However, everyone was a winner that day, and always will be, obtaining skills and education to create a healthy life and optimum health and wellbeing.

Students were unaware this completed the multi-lesson curricula the foundation, in collaboration with the U of M MD/MPH students, that was designed prior to the school term.The lessons and pre/post tests were formulated to collect important data quantifying the value Gardens of Hope (GOH) in Schools provide, and to demonstrate how GOH truly affect knowledge, attitude and behavior changes in students; mind, body and spirit. This ongoing study and program have been piloted in several school locations, and we look forward to future sponsors and donors who will help us fulfill our mission, and expand our programs and resources.

Please call the Joseph P Cory foundation and see how you can make an impact on student health! 561.501.3538 or josephpcoryfoundation.org